A business owner will make many commitments along his/her journey to building a successful company. The first, and foremost, compromise is often leaving somewhere, or something, behind and venturing out on their own to follow their dreams and passions. All companies start with an idea of taking prior knowledge and skills and turning them into direct business ownership to “run things their way.” However, sometimes, that initial dream and passion will become harder to accomplish. As the business owner encounters more problems in which they do not possess the necessary skills to overcome, they may start to second guess themselves and perhaps even regret opening the business in the first place. These fears often force business owners to retreat with planned growth opportunities, and not push further ahead, when the company experiences financial hardships or operational concerns that they had not anticipated when they first began the business. Retreat seems easy when a business owner does not believe solutions exist or are not sure where they can seek advice. It is during these struggles that further commitment is required, along with additional business advice.
At Cogent Analytics, our mission is to provide long-lasting solutions to “right the ship” and set the business back on the correct course for long-term sustainability. After a discovery is made to identify potential business opportunities, our services will prepare a solution engagement. Commitment is formed between both parties to develop and implement solutions to engineer profit by developing financial and operational improvements and measurements to keep the business on course for long-term growth. Business ownership and leadership must be fully committed to these newly developed practices to achieve the desired objectives. These practices require a full leadership commitment to the solutions implemented throughout the organization.

In the early 16th century, the Spanish Conquistador, Hernan Cortes, was credited with creating the leadership principle and phrase of “burn the ships.” Legend has it that Cortes, after his ships arrived in what is now modern-day Mexico, ordered his fleet to be burned, dissuading his crew from the temptation of abandoning the mission ahead. The leadership principle message that Cortes wanted to imprint on his team was that of a full commitment to their objective. Failure was not an option, and there would be no turning back.
Commitment to change can be challenging. To be genuinely fruitful, equipped with the necessary changes for business improvements, business owners and leaders must follow the notion of “burning the ship.” A “no turning back” mentality against old habits or a desire to retreat to the old ways of doing business which caused the company to steer off course in the first place.
“Committing to commit” to the new solutions and new standards will allow the business to regain its financial and operational surge. Full commitment is the solution, not an option.
At Cogent Analytics, we never stop looking for ways to improve your business and neither should you. So, check out some of our other posts for helpful business information: